Short Deck Omaha

Forced Money

The game is played with a button and blinds.

Dealing Procedure

Short Deck: A deck of 36 cards is used, where all of the deuces, treys, fours, and fives have been removed, leaving a deck with sixes, sevens, eights, nines, tens, Jacks, Queens, Kings, and Aces in the four suits.

Each player is dealt four cards face down, followed by a round of betting. Three community cards are placed face up. This is followed by a round of betting. One additional community card is placed face up. This is followed by a round of betting.

One additional community card is placed face up. This is followed by a round of betting. This is followed by a showdown.

Evaluating the Showdown

The best high five-card hand wins the pot. Hands are made using exactly two cards from each player’s hand and exactly three cards from the board. In this game, a flush outranks a full house. Note that the lowest possible straight in this game is 9876A (the “short deck wheel”) with the AKQJT (broadway) as the highest straight.

Note: This game was played with jam-or-fold betting (i.e. must either go all-in or fold pre-flop) at EMBARGO 2020.