Also known in polite company as "Sack".
Forced Money
The game is played with a button and blinds.
Dealing Procedure
Each player is dealt five cards face down. This is followed by a round of betting at the small bet limit. Each player will discard between zero and four of the cards they’ve been dealt (leaving from x = 1 to x = 5 cards remaining in their hands.) Each player must arrange their down cards on the table such that it is apparent how many cards each has kept.
When a player first indicates their willingness to continue with the hand (by putting chips in the pot or indicating that they check,) at the same time they should place the cards they wish to discard under the chips they’ve placed in the pot.
Three community cards are placed face up. This is followed by a round of betting at the small bet limit.
One additional community card is placed face up. This is followed by a round of betting at the big bet limit.
One additional community card is placed face up. This is followed by a round of betting at the big bet limit. This is followed by a showdown.
Evaluating the Showdown
The best high hand and best California low hand of at least eight low or better splits the pot. Hands are made using all x cards from the player’s hand and 5 − x cards from the board, i.e., the number of board cards necessary to make a five-card hand.
NOTE: Unlike Omaha/8, no matter what comes on the board a low hand is possible as long as a player has retained a sufficient number of cards to make a qualifying low hand.