Paradise Road Pick’em

Forced Money

The game is played with a button and blinds.

Dealing Procedure

Each player is dealt three cards. The player under the gun determines whether the hand will be played as Hold’em, Omaha High/Low Eight-or-Better, Razz, Stud, or Stud High/Low Eight-or-Better (i.e. the HORSE games). When heads-up or three-handed, the player with the button will choose the game for that hand. If the under the gun player is absent from the table or otherwise cannot or will not choose a game, the default game to be played is Hold’em.

If Hold’em is selected, each player must discard one card. If Omaha/8 is selected, each player is dealt an additional card. The hand then plays out as the selected game, with action beginning with the player under the gun.

If Razz, Stud, or Stud High/Low is selected, each player will in turn (with action beginning with the player under the gun) either fold, call, or raise. If they call or raise they will expose (i.e. roll) a door card of their choice at that time.

For stud variations, on fourth street and beyond the cards will be dealt starting at the dealer’s left and the betting action will start with the player with the high or low hand, as appropriate for the variation being played. The small bet will be the size of the big blind and the big bet will be double the size of the big blind. For example, if the blinds are 50/100, then the small bet of 100 is used on 3rd and 4th streets and the big bet of 200 is used on 5th, 6th, and 7th streets.

Please refer to rules of the individual game for further details on dealing procedure and evaluating the showdown.


Paradise Road Pick'em was a tournament event at BARGE 2021.